I know this is a very abused topic in the personal finance world but the way it keeps coming up alarmingly everyday made me revisit it. Most of my clients have truck loads of life insurance policies that was sold to them without their knowledge or understanding not to mention that most of these policies could possibly be from LIC. I think one needs to give a serious look to understand why life insurance is not an investment.
The rational behind having such policies is that it givens me x% rate of returns and is a good investment. Well, is it really ?
Do you mix business with pleasure ?
There are some things in life which are meant to be done straight and simple. Seldom do you mix Maggie with curd and eat it – SRK did that in RAOne and you can see the outcome. You don’t get me, do you ?
I assume you have a car or a two wheeler. It is mandated as per law to have insurance for that. If you think for a moment, you will realize that this motor insurance is a policy that is meant to replace damages to your vehicle should there be an accident to should it be stolen. Why is that so ?
The idea is to get you, the owner of the vehicle, back to same economic condition should a loss occur. So if your car meets with an accident, your insurance policy pays to repair the car and you get the car back in the same condition it was earlier.
And that is and should be the main purpose of insurance. It should be meant to protect your losses in life. Losses could cover damage to property, your vehicle, your health, income and even your life. You have insurance for all and it works life a charm for everything expect life. More on that in a bit.
An insurance is a contract between you and the insurance company. Both of you decide that you will pay a small amount of money, called the premium, to the insurance company for them to cover your loss, should it occur. If it does not occur, you lose the money that you pay as premium. If the loss does occur, the insurer sticks to its promise and pays money to you to repair the product in question.
So in your car insurance, if your car is not stolen or damaged, you lose the money you pay each year to the insurance company. And if you have a theft, the insurer pays you money so that you can buy a new car.
Similar is the case for health insurance. If you land up in a hospital, then you spend money on medical test, doctor’s fees, medicines and often there is loss of income as well. Insurance can ensure that they pay you for all of these to get you back to the same monetary condition you were before you landed at the hospital.
So what’s the argument for life insurance ?
Why life insurance is not an investment
The problem lies when we take this discussion to life insurance. As the words indicate, in life insurance, investors are covered for their lives so if they die, the insurer pays a large sum of money, called sum assured, to the family so that the family has money to live their life.
Under Insurance
The simple issue is that we end up having insurance policies that will not put our family back in the same monetary state if we were to die. So we make a contract with the life insurance companies wherein, we leave behind money for our family that is sorely going to be inadequate for them to survive.
And that happens because we look at insurance as an investment class. If you expect a life insurance policy to generate some returns for you, then the premium that you pay will be larger and the amount of life insurance cover provided will be less. This is where most of the investors are caught in today. In today’s inflation dominated India, a life insurance policy of Rs 5 to 10 lakhs will be sorely inadequate to provide for anything for your family when you die.
Premiums are money lost
In India, life insurance is sold and has historically never been bought but that is changing now. So when it was sold, life advisors pushed those products which fetched them maximum commissions. This worked well with investors as well because they were told that the money they were putting in would be returned to them in some form or the other. And thus different types of life insurance policies were sold to investors – endowment, money back, whole life and the so infamous unit linked insurance plans (ULIPs).
There is a common thread between all such purchases – investors think they have been smart enough to buy insurance which will protect their life and at the same time return some money to them. The real big issue is that when you do that, you pay a large premium that could better have been used elsewhere in a more productive way. Also, you end up being under-insured which is so sad – imagine for a moment how your family will survive and whether they can meet all their future aspirations when you are not around ! In short, you the smart investor pay more for being under insured !
The solution
Understand that life insurance is meant to protect the economic loss that your family will have to go through when you are not around. While the emotional loss cannot be filled in so quickly and only time can heal such wounds, note that it is in your hands today to ensure that enough money is there for your loved ones to live life king size.
The solution obviously is to stick to pure vanilla term insurance policies and be ready to lose the small premium forever should you survive. You can then be smart enough to invest the rest of the money for your long term and short term goals.
Or you could still eat maggie with curd.
Excellently put Sir. When i told one of my good friends about the term plan, his reaction was – “Wapas kuch nahi milega? Sorry…..it’s not for me”. The typical Indian mentality of not getting a return on “investment” holds true for even the educated ones!
Well the educated ones are sadly financially uneducated. Unless people are educated financially they won’t understand the difference between investment and insurance.
Well said Vivek, fully agree with you.
Actually I read today somewhere that the most educated people are the ones who goof up on this aspect the most – that is because they have lots of money to park and put it in such products and have a huge basket !
Also, I think it is the superior behaviour that contributes a lot. Just because they are well educated otherwise they think their financial decision are always right.
A good refreshing article. I hope more and more people read this and become aware that insurance is not an investment. I wish I had come across such educational information when I started working.
I am guilty of mixing insurance with investment but the day I learned I stopped doing it and started planning the right way, at least that’s what I think 🙂
I also try to spread this awareness but it is still long long way to go before people understand that investment is an expense just like any other insurance and not an investment.
Term insurance is so cheap but still people don’t like it because it does not return anything. It’s just sad way to approach life insurance. No other kind of life insurance can give enough sum assured for the family. Hope more and more people realise it real soon.
P.S. I like the metaphor of eating maggie with curd, it just sounds yuck..!
In 1999, I was sold a ULIP. I still retain it as its been long now and has broken even.
Everyone has been sold some crap policy or the other at some point of time in their lives.
I think one should continue one such policy to remind oneself not to repeat the mistake. 🙂
I did buy few junk policies in early 2000’s to save tax but after becoming financial savvy (thanks to bloggers like you) i made them paid-up, only kept a money back policy as its only few years from completing its tenure.
Still a lot of people buy insurance policies as investment, not sure when they will learn about it. There is a wealth of information on the net guiding them but still they fall prey to agents.
That’s because they think they are educated 😉
LOL !! I loved the maggy with curd and SRK lines :).
I am happy that last month I could convince one of my colleagues to get the term insurance 🙂 instead of going to some junk policy.
Well done Chirag! Way to go my friend. 🙂
Good stuff Chirag.
I bought a term Insurance about 8 years back, that too with a lot of dificulty, the LIC guys tried their level best make me change my mind, but I was adamant. The LIC guys just harp on the useless money back schemes.The savings under 80C in the premimun on it are the Tax benefit that is saved (10% minimum) , I am happy….
Great stuff Manish, you held out ! That is a lesson for other investors who fall for crap policies.