Aiming for High Returns does not make you greedy if you understand your Risk-Taking Limit, Your Horizon to Invest & Asset Cycles. Under the high-risk category, NRI has a lot of options to invest in. As a thumb rule, one can take the horizon as a deciding factor. Long term goals like retirement, kids educationRead More
High Risk Investment Options for NRI
Debt MFs for NRIs, Debt Mutual Funds for NRIs, Direct Equity Investment for NRIs, equity investment for NRI, Equity MFs for NRIs, Investment in shares for NRI, Investment in Shares for NRIs, mutual fund for NRIs, NPS for NRIs, NPS for OCI, PINS for NRI, PIS for NRI, PMS for NRIs, Portfolio Investment Scheme, Portfolio Investment Scheme for NRI, Portfolio Investment Scheme RBI, Portfolio Management Service for NRIs, Property Investment for NRIs