The income tax season is fast approaching and many investors who do not understand the basics of income tax planning and filing are going to jeopardize their investments by taking the help of commission trotting agents who will sell them unsuitable products. This is not going to look good in your overall financial planning. WhatRead More
Credit card pitfalls – how to avoid them
I can’t help writing about credit card pitfalls and how to avoid them – my latest client’s financial planning has gone horribly wrong as he lives on his 4 credit cards. He is flamboyant, he is shopaholic and has no clue on how to read a credit card statement. He thought he knew all theRead More
Direct Tax Code (DTC) and ELSS
Pardon me but I forget the name of the reader who brought up this important question of whether he should invest in ELSS (Equity Linked Saving Schemes) given the Direct Tax Code that will possibly see the light of the day in April 2012. Direct Tax Code and ELSS have been discussed very heavily inRead More
All about Critical Illness Insurance
So here is the scenario which helps me drive home the point about the importance of critical illness insurance policy in India. Suppose you are hospitalized with a major heart attack and your spouse is told by the doctor that you need to be operated upon. Big deal you think, you have health insurance orRead More
JagoInvestor Book review
I have had the pleasure of reading the JagoInvestor book that has been out in the market for a month now. Written by Manish Chauhan, a personal fellow blogger and a friend, I could not help writing a review on the book. I remember when I was in my teens, I used to finish theRead More
Dates to Remember in a Life Insurance Policy
The buck does not stop after you have purchased a personal finance product. Be it a life insurance policy, health insurance policy, an FD, a stock or a mutual fund, there are some dates that you need to keep in sight otherwise you will miss on important landmarks that can render your holdings useless andRead More