A home is one of the biggest investments of your life. In most of the cases, investors take a home loan in order to buy the house. When a home loan is taken, it essentially puts your house on mortgage. The house is owned by the lender as the lender has paid you a loanRead More
Taxable income calculator [infographics]
Here is how you can calculate your taxable income. All the 5 heads of incomes have been shown in a graphical format for easy interpretation. The deduction under various sections like Section 80C and others is also depicted. The taxable income is the figure on which your final tax is calculated according to the slabRead More
Currency depreciation and Its Impact
The government has slid into a black-hole of policy paralysis; the stock market continues its southward journey each day and now to add to the woes of investors, the rupee or currency depreciation has got people worried. Does Currency depreciation Impacts Investments – Yes. Let us check- How? The silver lining is that we shouldRead More
Who Should Fill Insurance Application Forms ?
One of my clients Prabhu (name changed) called me over the weekend to understand whether I being his financial planner, could fill in his life insurance application forms for him. While I had to convince him that I would like to do something better, his next question left me breathless. It was “Why can’t theRead More
How to claim car insurance?
Owning a vehicle is no longer a ‘neighbor’s envy, owner’s pride’ thing anymore in India. It has become a basic necessity in life. However, your vehicle could meet with an accident at any point of time. To cover your risk, you need to ensure you have taken car insurance, also called auto insurance, motor insuranceRead More
Should I Invest in Index Funds ?
Mutual fund investing can be done in two ways. One is the active style of investing where a fund manager fishes for the best stocks to buy and hold and generate profits for the investors. As you can imagine, this requires expertise, time and tools all of which cost a lot of money to theRead More