How does it feel when your hard earned money is paid to the government as income tax each month ? If it feels bad, maybe you need to be aware of how much income tax can be saved by you in a financial year. If the money was used for the overall development of theRead More
The difference between ULIPs and mutual funds
Investor are often confused and do not know the difference between ULIPs and mutual funds. Both of these products can be used to achieve your objectives in life, which could be saving for your child’s education or marriage, accumulating money for your retirement or keeping aside money for the down-payment of your house. Historically, ULIPsRead More
Different ways to get rich in your life
Ask the pundits, and they will rattle off so many different ways to get rich. But more or less, their basic principles will be same. Becoming rich is something which can be achieved through implementation of these rules. You might have heard about the easiest way to become rich or how to get rich quicklyRead More
Which ITR form to use for filing returns ?
If you are preparing for filing your income tax returns in India then you must be wondering which ITR form to use. The forms available are meant for different purposes so ensure that you understand your scenario first and then pick up which form to use. This year, the government has introduced the need toRead More
Quantum Long Term Equity Fund Growth [infographic]
Here is a review of Quantum Long Term Equity Mutual Fund. This is a large cap/mid cap equity mutual fund from Quantum Fund house. Quantum fund house is run by Ajit Dayal – one of India’s only maverick mutual fund visionary. Ajit has successfully run his funds without any support from powerful distribution channels andRead More
5 ways on how to calculate your life insurance needs
How to calculate your life insurance needs is an often asked question and many investors use quick thumb rules to get to the actual requirement. Then there are more sophisticated methods which financial planners use to zero down on the accurate figure. This post is about all the methods which exists and investors need to beRead More