When you are just about to achieve one of your life goals or a dream, and suddenly the bank says NO for a loan. Because your score is too less to qualify for a loan. Things come shattering and mistakes done in past especially the financial ones start running like a movie in the brain.Read More
Direct Investors Too Need Financial Advisors
Since 2013, we are seeing a good amount of investors opting for the direct option, and getting themselves away from commission agents. This gives birth to the concept of DIY or do-it-yourself in Personal Finance or Mutual Funds in particular. But does this means all investors can do without advisors? Well, one of the recentRead More
Equity & Tools to Begin Investing
Overview Indian stock market has become a social buzz. Apart from the traditional investors, even the youngsters have started ensuing capital markets. Undoubtedly this is a progressive move. Also, the Government leaves no stones unturned to furnish the Indian stock market. What makes Indian stock market so appealing is its structure, well-defined rules, and regulations,Read More
How To Choose Equity Mutual Funds – Infographic
Did you know there are different types of equity mutual funds and each offers a different type of benefit? When mutual funds invest maximum part of their corpus in the stock market, they are broadly called an equity mutual fund schemes. Remember, the structure of the fund may vary for different schemes and also on fundRead More
Will Rupee Cost Averaging (SIP) Make You Rich? Full Details – Part 2
In part 1 we covered how Rupee Cost Averaging works in practical investment scenario. But Lump Sum investment is also another way and particularly what to do when you have money at hand, to go right now and invest? So, let’s go more in detail on these 2 strategies and find a way to dealRead More
Will Rupee Cost Averaging (SIP) Make You Rich? Part 1
When it comes to investing your money, there are primarily two strategies you can use: lump sum investing and Rupee Cost Averaging (Commonly called as SIP). Both of these come with advantages and disadvantages. In this post, I will walk you through both, showing you why you might choose one over the other and ideally,Read More