We all agree that SIP helps us accumulate large amounts in a disciplined way and we get the benefit of investing in a volatile asset. But often we wonder what is a right SIP amount? How do we know that the monthly amount of SIP is adequate? the question. Calculating the Right SIP Amount always bothersRead More
Learning Value Investing
I have been reading about Value Investing for about 8 years now, and with risking that you may doubt my credibility to write on this website, I would say that finally, it has started sinking in me. It took long because I had to unlearn a lot to learning value investing. It really tested whatRead More
What Is Blue Chip? Infographic
Oliver Gingold, who worked at Dow Jones, coined the phrase ‘Blue Chip’ in 1923. This term came into vogue after Gingold, while standing near the stock ticker at a brokerage firm, noticed that several stocks traded at $200 or more per share. He called them ‘Blue Chip Stocks’ and wrote an article on them. That’sRead More
Best Investment in Long Term – Equity Investment
The recent returns from MFs and equity are mouth watering. Pundits have started digging history to show that its danger zone ging ahead. And this gives rise to question – Is Equity – Your best investment long term? If yes how to invest more and make money? Or simply a long-term investment in mutual fundsRead More
Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana – Updated Details
My daughter Gauri, is learning advanced features of MS Word and wanted to type some documents as an assignment. She approached me and I suggested, her to help me out. I handed her some notes and paper cuttings and here she is with her first 500 words on – Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana. She has experimentedRead More
Apply & Update Online – PAN AADHAR CKYC & Digilocker
Hi, Reader/Investors… A warm welcome to the new Financial Year. To update you, the financial bill 2017 is passed and this year you will hear, read and get a lot of advice on these 4 words PAN, Aadhar, C-KYC & Digilocker. If you have been investing or want to start this year – you needRead More