We all know performance is a relative term. We ought to have a comparison figure or a mechanism to measure the performance of the asset where we have invested. In mutual funds, these are called Benchmark Indexes. Recently, a fund house changed this to Total Return Index Benchmark. So what is the impact of thisRead More
20 Behavioral Biases In Investing
One of the main features of investing is “making a decision”. This means you have to take decisions based on information regarding where, when, how much and for what time to invest. Often these decisions are based on what you think and your emotional response. This is called Behavioral Finance. The study has revealed TopRead More
Power of Compounding
What is Power of Compounding and How does it work? Compounding in mathematical term would simply mean “Make money work for you”. Even the famous scientist Albert Einstein was so amazed by compounding that he called it to be the eighth wonder of the world. But before we understand how does the power of compoundingRead More
Robo Advisor Vs Individual Advisor
If an individual advisor or firm writes on Robo Advisor vs Individual Advisor you will feel he is biased. Well… yes, we are individual advisors & financial planners, but what I am going to tell today is all based on my personal experience. Yes, I will be fair or try to be fair and willRead More
Understanding Portfolio Turnover Ratio
When you build a portfolio, one of the most important ratios to check out is the Portfolio Turnover Ratio. The mutual funds especially the active ones, the fund managers keep buying and selling the stocks. This buying and selling activity is recorded and hence this ratio is calculated. We shall see how Portfolio Turnover RatioRead More
Bharat 22 ETF Details …Another CPSE? Should You invest?
Last week Mr. Arun Jaitely announced Government’s intention to launch one more ETF called the – Bharat 22 ETF. This will be a second ETF comprising Government Owned companies after CPSE. The product basket has created a lot of interest in Bharat 22 ETF details. Although it is in process of launch. It is theRead More