Hedging Investments basically means reducing or controlling the risk involved in a certain transaction. In other words, Hedging Strategies are investment positions intended to offset the potential losses that may be incurred by a companion investment. Insurance is the best example of hedging. When we buy a house worth lakhs of rupees, we usually buyRead More
Avoiding TDS on Dividends (Residents & NRIs)
As you may be aware & we also wrote in detail a few days ago, due to changes introduced by the Finance Act, 2020, w.e.f. April 1, 2020, the dividend is taxable in the hand of the investor. Hence companies would be required to deduct tax at source (TDS) at the prescribed rates from theRead More
Understanding Form 15G & 15H – To Avoid TDS
Form 15G or Form 15H are self-declaration forms that show that an individual’s total income is below taxable slab hence tax is not to be deducted. But who can submit these? Is there any rule governing the submission of Form 15H & Form 15G? Let’s check these today. You can also download Fillable Form 15GRead More
Taxation on PF Withdrawal – All Scenarios
EPF or employee Provident Fund is hard-earned money through your service to an organization. Overall if a person is attaining superannuation, it is supposed to be tax-free. BUT NOT ALWAYS! Money received from EPF can be taxable or there can be tax deducted at source (TDS). Let us understand Taxation on PF Withdrawal or TaxationRead More
How Mutual Funds Distribute / Transfer Units in Case of Death
In an unfortunate case of death, it is Mutual Funds duty to transfer the investment in the name of nominee or survivors. There is a complete laid down process to Distribute or transfer of mutual fund units in case of death. This process is called “Transmission of Units”. it means transferring the holding rights ofRead More
Emerging Trends in Emergency Fund in India
Everyone coming on business channels or newspapers is calling the current times as Unprecedented, Black Swan & Recessionary. True the year 2020 is a time which will be remembered for long. The year is the best example of why we should not take things how they are – we should be ready & we shouldRead More