A few days ago, SEBI allowed Silver Funds to be launched by Indian MF companies. Mutual Funds already were dealing in Gold MFs & a few others commodities. So how come Commodities be like assets and investible? Where is the market for commodities & how the performance is tracked? Let’s check the Commodities Trading inRead More
Will Health Insurance Policy Cover Omicron?
Coronavirus has been now part of daily lives for the last 2 years. There looks an extended time as new variants keep developing. Although the hospitalization rate is low, still one may need hospital care. The question today to discuss: Will Health Insurance Policy Cover Omicron? Will your mediclaim cover Covid 19 Variants? As weRead More
Common NRI Investment Mistakes
A new year is starting and is a wonderful time to assess or reassess the investments & goals. NRIs have less information about the investments that they have made in India. Hence you must draw some time to check your portfolio. This will help lessen & eradicate common NRI investment mistakes. Let us check theRead More
Can NRI Invest in Agricultural Land in India?
It is very common for NRIs to look for a farmhouse or wish to get close to nature by buying agricultural land in India. Wait a minute… Can NRI invest in Agricultural Land in India? It is not easy as regulations restrict few transactions. Here are the details on NRI investments in Agricultural Land inRead More
Understanding Arbitrage Funds
Arbitrage funds have seen some revival in investor interest in recent times. Most often these funds have been pitched to investors as an alternative to debt funds for parking short-term surpluses, given their tax advantage. But that is why you invest in Liquid or Sort term debt fund. So, are the seemingly risk-free arbitrage fundsRead More
Capital Gain Taxation for NRIs
NRIs have different taxation rules compared to residents. Residents pay tax on income earned in India & globally. Whereas NRI needs to offer only global income for taxation. Taxation matters get complex when NRI is investing in India and has to pay tax on Capital Gain. Here is a small dossier on the treatment ofRead More