If someone tells you that women should not get involved in financial decisions, you may consider helping them lookup on the internet about countless women, who are Prime Ministers & Finance Ministers of various countries or are leading major financial institutions around the world. Financial Planning for Women is an important concept. The need isRead More
What is Grandfathering Clause?
Before 2018, we all knew long-term capital gains in equity were tax-free. But now – they are taxed at 10%. In a simple situation what if someone’s date of purchase of a certain equity MF unit is in 2015? Now, if this person sells in 2022, will his gain be calculated on his original priceRead More
Understanding Tax Residency Certificate (TRC)
When you have global income & investments, there is always a chance to pay double tax. This means you are taxed in India as well in the country you make investments or receive any income. Double Tax Avoidance Agreements play an important role in minimizing such incidences. But to get benefits from DTAA, you requireRead More
Difference between Absolute Returns CAGR XIRR
You must have come across multiple terms to calculate Mutual Fund or investment performance such as Absolute Returns CAGR XIRR. Today let’s understand the difference between them and their relevance to your mutual fund portfolio. ABSOLUTE RETURN What is Absolute Return? Absolute Returns, also called Total Returns, help us in calculating how much gain orRead More
Guide to Tax Efficient Mutual Fund Investing
Guide to Tax Efficient Mutual Fund Investing (Free Ebook to Download) Speaking of taxation, it is that time of the year when tax planning is on everyone’s mind. While one cannot avoid paying taxes, awareness about various aspects of taxation can help one to plan investments in a more tax-efficient manner. Bearing this in mind,Read More
Understanding Patience & Compounding
Warren Buffets attributes his success to 3 factors – Being Born in the USA, Power of Compounding & Luck! So, where are you born and most of the luck is out of our hands. But can we pick up the power of compounding? Yes, with a virtue called “Patience”. Let’s check today how understanding patienceRead More