Are Unit Linked Insurance Plans. ULIPs as bad as they are made out to be ? ULIPs are investment products that combine insurance with investment. Both insurance and investments serve two different purposes – they cannot be combined to make a cocktail you cannot drink. Any product that begins to digress from the basic concepts of keepingRead More
How to calculate post tax returns on your investments
Time for some mathematics ! And if it weren’t your favorite subject in school, don’t be afraid to read on. The formula is pretty self explanatory. Financial planning is all about leaning new things and how to calculate post-tax returns on your investments is very crucial for you to understand so that you know exactly whatRead More
Investment Avenues for Indian Investors
In our article today, I will try to list the different types of investment avenues available in India where investors can put in their money. The figure shown below is pretty self-explanatory. However, I will quickly explain the specifics. Indians can invest broadly into five categories of investments – Equity, Debt, Real Estate, Commodities andRead More
6 ways to teach your child about money management
When was the first time your child asked for his/her pocket money ? How much did you pass on to him ? In today’s world of earn-all-spend-all attitude of youngsters, the kids lay their hands on too much money too fast for them to digest. This way, saving and investing is something that a childRead More
Young ? Split up your term insurance
If you are between 20 to 30 years of age, what is your strategy of buying term insurance ? Most of the insurance companies will provide term insurance for a maximum of 30 years and till 60 years of age. So if you are young, should you go in and buy a term insurance forRead More
Craziest reasons for buying a stock !
I firmly believe that most of the ordinary investors burn their hands with direct trading on the stock market in the long run. You could still make money in the short term by directly buying stocks – and I term that luck. One could have the ability of making money from the stock markets, however,Read More