Should you buy a house or should you rent ? Buying or renting is an often discussed topic in many personal finance forums. On what parameters would you base your decision ? Apart from the monetary comparisons, the Indian investor often attaches an emotional angle to owning real estate – it is tangible – youRead More
Real Estate Star Ratings from CRISIL
For the first time in the real estate market in India, there seems to be some light at the end of the tunnel which the builders have dug deep for poor investors. CRISIL has come out with Real Estate Star ratings in August 2010 to assess and certify real estate projects in India. This is first ofRead More
3 insurance policies you cannot afford to miss
What are the insurance policies you must necessarily have ? Life has its own surprises. You are hale and hearty one day and can drop dead the very next day; you could land up on the surgeon’s table for no fault of yours; you could be diagnosed with a critical illness rendering you incapable ofRead More
India’s best and upcoming personal finance bloggers
Personal Finance Bloggers in India are growing by the day. Blogging is a new found passion that many have taken to either full time or as a part time activity. Yours truly is a victim of this craze as well. While there are a whole lot of personal finance bloggers today, some stand out tallRead More
Your guide to advance tax
Paying taxes is a game that is going to catch up with you all the year round. So if you have just filed your income tax returns (ITR) for last year, it’s time to swing in action to pay advance tax depending on what time of the year you are in. Who pays advance taxRead More
4 reasons why your spouse must know about the household finances
A majority of the India households have the finances driven by the male counter part. That does not mean they are driven smartly. Women can manage finances equally well, its just that its often a boring activity and women would prefer something better going on at the soap operas. And in houses where the womenRead More