The first step in intelligent financial planning is to understand the difference between needs and wants. Your clarity on the subject will also lead you to do better budgeting. Today’s youth consumerism has unfortunately not only skewed the definition of needs and wants, it has also made the subject take a backseat. Let us revisitRead More
How Do Loans Work ?
Since most of investors today are getting saddled with loans of all kinds, it’s important for them to understand how do loans work. With increased consumerism and lifestyle changes, you have almost everyone with some kind of loan in his kitty – either a home loan, or a car loan or a personal loan amongRead More celebrates its third anniversary
Yet another milestone for Manish Chauhan, founder of It’s been three years since Manish started blogging and on Nov 5th 2010, celebrated it’s third anniversary. After three years of run up, boasts of a massive 6500 RSS followers which is still growing and a treasure house of articles where you can findRead More
Real Estate Or Stocks ?
In India, the choice of investing in real estate or stocks is driven by many factors, bordering from emotional indulgence to pure gamble. Where to invest between these investment avenues is an answer you will need to find depending on some factors in your financial planning process, namely asset allocation, future financial goals and riskRead More
Future Value of a One Time Investment
Here is a future value calculator to find out the future value of a one-time investment you make today. To take an example, if you were to invest Rs 10,000/- today and forget it for 5 years, what would you get at the end of those 5 years if every year your rate of returnRead More
The Ultimate Listing of Personal Finance Learning Sites
My reader Ravi asked me “Can you please suggest me some good books for knowing the basics of investment and finance in India ? I want to be aware of must needed financial terms and plans.”. This compilation is an offshoot of the comment above. Why spend on books to learn personal finance when theRead More