Investing your money and growing rich requires as much common sense investing as knowledge about the various investment classes, how they work and how to best invest in them. Sensible investing can be done by anyone who knows the rules of the game and is aware of the following simple principles which need to be applied toRead More
SIP in stocks for higher returns
If you are a die hard fan of equity investing and buy direct stocks, here is another alternative for you. Now you can SIP in Stocks in India as well ! The famed concept of systematic investment planning (SIP) in mutual funds is now applicable to stocks as well. While the concept is exciting, you needRead More
Need of Financial Planning for Our Parents
The need for financial planning is becoming more prevalent day by day. Financial Planning for our parents is also the need of the day. We recently had a 24 year old client who showed great foresight in doing his financial planning at such a young age – more so when his income was very less.Read More
Is LIC Jeevan Arogya Policy Worth Buying ?
The Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) has launched a new health insurance policy by the name of LIC Jeevan Arogya. LIC laments that in these days of exorbitant health-care costs, you should be armed with a health insurance policy so that your goal based investing approach to making money is not affected. That is honestRead More
Is Talegaon in Pune Real Estate a Good Investment ?
The Pune property market has undergone massive changes in the last decade. Riding on the real estate boom, Pune has transformed itself from a pensioner’s paradise to a city where youngsters have come to invest in outskirt places like Talegaon. The Talegaon Pune property rates and real estate story is waiting to explode with time toRead More
Guidelines to File Your ITR form
The income tax return filing season is finally upon us and you must be wondering what possibly could be the easiest way or some guidelines to filing your ITR form. At the same time, you might be having many questions like do you need to file your returns in the first place; whether you needRead More