Here is a future value calculator to find out the future value of a one-time investment you make today. To take an example, if you were to invest Rs 10,000/- today and forget it for 5 years, what would you get at the end of those 5 years if every year your rate of return is say, 10%. Input these values in the calculator to check the results.
Click to go to future value calculator of a one time investment.
What is the Future Value of an Investment?
To know how much your investment will grow in a specified number of years earning a specified rate, we use Future Value. This can be used either for a lumpsum investment or for a series of investments made during the period. Conversely, when you know the future value, it can be known from this calculator how much savings you will require to reach it if invested at a specific rate. A more powerful concept which this value calculates is the power of compounding i.e. when interest eared is left is not withdrawn and is added to the balance (principal) to earn interest in years to follow.
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Hi Radhey ,
Very Good Calculator..
Thanks a lot.
Ravi Shankar