One Time Mandate (OTM) or NACH facility is a one-time mandate registration process that will enable you to transact seamlessly in a simple, convenient and paperless manner in the future. Many times you read that SIP needs “OTM” or “Auto Debit” registration, so that you don’t have to issue multiple cheques. It is also calledRead More
Tips & Tricks
FAQs – Late Filling of ITR, Refunds & Verification
31 Aug 2019 is over and this was the last date to file Income Tax Returns for FY 2018-19. But what if you missed ITR filing deadline? Late filling of ITR is a serious blunder and let’s see how this can be tackled? Also, if you have filled, your wait for verification of ITR, revisionRead More
How to Know Future Financial Scams Today?
I live in a Jaipur, which is still not fast paced like Delhi and not dull like a remote land. But last Thursday we all wake with the news – “More than 100 Crore duped from Doctors”. When I read details, I could relate as one of our clients has enquired about the said company,Read More
Understanding Build America Visa
Many of you have dreams to work in the USA. The 2 current options for long duration are HB-1 Visa & Green Card. Now the Green Card Visa will be replaced by the new law of immigration. The result – new visa call Build America Visa as called by President Donald Trump. Let us seeRead More
What is NCB Certificate?
We get a lot of questions on NCB or No Claim Bonus while buying a Motor Insurance Policy. So I thought to write a detailed post on NCB and NCB Certificate. This concept of using NCB Retention Certificate is a good way of decreasing your premium while replacing the vehicle. What do you do withRead More
What is ASBA?
What is ASBA? A simple innovation to help investors save some paperwork & money. With the advancement in processes & technology, ASBA has become a very popular tool subscribe for IPO, NFO or NCDs. If you are still writing cheques for these and losing interest till the new scheme opens, you need to learn –Read More