There are different types of mutual funds in India available in the market which an investor can choose depending on his profile, risk taking capacity and time horizon. The classification of mutual funds can be done on either the investment objective or on structure of the mutual fund. Let’s go through each one of these classificationsRead More
Mutual Funds
What are the advantages of Mutual Funds ?
In an earlier article, we have seen what mutual funds are. Today, we see what the advantages of mutual funds in India are. Mutual Funds offer a great deal of flexibility and ease to investors, both big and small. Ranging from professional management to a plethora of diversification options, to ease of liquidity and lowRead More
What is a Mutual Fund ?
A Mutual Fund in India is an entity which pools in people’s money and invests in stocks, bond and other securities to generate a return. Each investor is given units of the mutual fund in exchange for cash – he then becomes an owner of the fund’s asset. The entity which does the collection andRead More
3 Mutual Funds Truths Unravelled
Mutual Funds are the simplest and safest way to riches for an ordinary investor. Diversification across many stocks and sectors and the expertise of a fund manager come free with mutual funds. One does not have any hassles in tracking stocks quarter after quarter; exposure to the equity market is achieved by simply investing inRead More