Recently a Cooperative Bank (PMC Bank) in India got bankrupted/failed. It is really unfortunate to see depositors waiting for their money. The event has again showcased, that there is Risk in Everything. The concept of RISK-FREE is a myth. Banks can fail & even countries can. But are Bank FD safe in India? If yes,Read More
Fixed Income
Voluntary Provident Fund – A Good Choice in Fixed Income
Very few instruments have “fixed rate” & “tax-free” tag associated with them. Considering last year when rates in fixed deposits were at lowest and debt funds being highly volatile, Voluntary Provident Fund is an ideal choice for debt investments. Let’s see the details. The advantage of investing in voluntary provident fund lies in the factRead More
Fixed Deposit Vs Mutual Funds Comparison : Part 2
In part one of the Fixed Deposit Vs Mutual Funds comparison, we analyzed the existing and new ways to invest in Debt Mutual Funds. Now its time to dig deeper and learn why one should invest in Debt Funds, What are the risks in debt Funds and how these risks can be countered. Also, let’sRead More
Fixed Deposit Vs Mutual Funds : Part 1
Can Mutual Funds be a substitute for Bank FDs? Honestly NO- as substitute theory works when two things are identical. The basic nature here is different as FDs give fixed returns whereas MFs are market linked. So ideally MFs can be used to fill shoes, but one must understand the risk & returns of theseRead More
Transfer Your EPF To NPS – Details & NPS Performance
In the budget of 2015-16, the government had announced that they will allow funds to be transferred from Employee Provident Fund EPF to NPS or National Pension Scheme. Finally, this has arrived, now you can Transfer EPF TO NPS. This is like one-way portability between two different superannuation schemes. And finally this last Monday, 06Read More
Demonetization Impact PART 2: Impact on Economy
The economy is also important as it is a summation of entire country’s well being. Emotions are linked to the economy as economic news builds people’s mood. Demonetization is one such economic event which has drastically changed everyone’s way of thinking. Social media is full of reactions. The common man is tweeting, commenting & making videos express what they feel.Read More