One does not want to keep debt for a long time, everyone wants to reduce their debt and get rid out of debt, however managing debt can be challenging. If we implement the right strategy, we can manage our debt or reduce debt. One such the strategy is Balance Transfer of Loan. This article exploresRead More
Fixed Income
Traditional & Non-Traditional Ways to Borrow Money
As one of the greatest investors of all times ‘Warren Buffett’ once said “I’ve seen more people fail because of liquor and leverage – leverage being borrowed money. You really don’t need leverage in this world much. If you’re smart, you’re going to make a lot of money without borrowing.” This is true but emergenciesRead More
Loanable Investments
In case you needed money for some emergency you only knew the traditional ways of taking loans like Personal loans or finance on your house or property, financing on the vehicle, taking loans from relatives or friends, etc. But many of your investments can be used to avail funds. These are called loanable investments. Let’sRead More
Taxation on NRI Fixed Deposits
If someone says “do not invest in Debt or Fixed Deposit” – he is not your advisor. But investments in Fixed Deposits or Term Deposits by NRIs are very common due to the liquidity of funds & their taxability. But Taxation of NRI Term Deposits needs to be understood to get the maximum value ofRead More
RBI Retail Direct Scheme – Complete Details
Recently PM Modi in presence of Ms Nirmla Sitharaman (Minister of Finance GOI) & Sh Shaktikanta Das (Governor RBI), announced the way how retail investors can Buy or Sell in Government Securities through a new system called RBI Retail Direct Scheme or RBI RDS or simply RDS. Let’s know what is this system and howRead More
Withdrawal Strategies During Retirement Phase
We all know – Retirement is the Withdrawal Phase. If you are not on pension, you can plan your annuity from your investments. This can be done using the below methods as Withdrawal Strategies During Retirement Phase. This ensures needs regular income & planning future goals. One has to check the expenses now, expenses likelyRead More