It’s that time to the year when your employer pays you a bonus for the work you have performed over the last one year. That means more money in your hands. Do you know how to spend your bonus wisely and do you see this as a healthy financial planning opportunity or do you justRead More
Financial Planning
Personal Finance Ratios
Personal finance ratios are as important to an individual investor as are stock ratios to the health of a company. You have stock analysts, market pundits, punters and ordinary investors predicting the path of a stock after analyzing basic stock ratios like EPS and PE; however, none pause to think about the personal finance ratiosRead More
How to Calculate Your Personal Net Worth
Your personal networth is a piece of information in your overall financial planning that you should be aware of at the drop of a hat. Yet you find investors who either don’t understand the concept or if they do, they usually don’t calculate it. You need to know how your net worth is calculated andRead More
5 Tips to Spend Money Wisely
Spending money in an integral part of every individual. Spend your money wisely is a key input in your overall financial planning. However, the easy disposable income one generates today has blurred the difference between needs and wants. Spending money in an unplanned way could result in significant financial drain of savings for your future.Read More
Difference Between Needs and Wants
The first step in intelligent financial planning is to understand the difference between needs and wants. Your clarity on the subject will also lead you to do better budgeting. Today’s youth consumerism has unfortunately not only skewed the definition of needs and wants, it has also made the subject take a backseat. Let us revisitRead More
The Ultimate Listing of Personal Finance Learning Sites
My reader Ravi asked me “Can you please suggest me some good books for knowing the basics of investment and finance in India ? I want to be aware of must needed financial terms and plans.”. This compilation is an offshoot of the comment above. Why spend on books to learn personal finance when theRead More