It is human nature to procure good things at the least price. And if it’s free, you just made your day ! When it comes to financial advice, investors look unbelievingly if you say they will be charged for advice. Financial advice has always been free in India and it takes time for investors toRead More
Financial Planning
Invest in what you know to be a smart investor
This is a philosophy that was made famous by Warren Buffet and Peter Lynch and adopted by people the world over – invest in what you know. This philosophy was strictly for stocks and shares – Peter’s argument being that the common investor stood better chances of finding a multi bagger than the well educatedRead More
Managing Family Finances
Personal finance at home – budgeting, spending, analyzing, saving, investing – could be a boring topic. But then managing family finances or family financial management is important. Many families simply do not manage it so their financial planning is always in trouble. For families that do, it’s either the husband or the wife who take itRead More
65 Personal Finance Tips
While we are a free country and very democratic in almost every walk of life, how many of us can say with confidence that we have attained financial freedom as well ? Money helps us sustain our daily living yet most of us struggle with basic personal finance decisions and healthy financial planning. So, fewRead More
How Much Gold Allocation in Your Portfolio?
Given the rate of return of gold in the last few years, do you think the gold allocation in your portfolio needs to increase ? Does your financial planning philosophy say that the maximum gold which should be present in your diversified portfolio should be 5% to 10% and the rest should be other assetRead More
5 Random Golden Rules to Become Rich
Everyone would like to become rich. But how do we get there ? Does equity investing make you rich ? Or is it the tortoise like slow and steady systematic investment planning route of mutual funds that gets you the riches. Golden rules to becoming rich are far and varied. If you master some ofRead More