When did you last do your financial planning ? The progress at which financial planning in India is growing is nothing to be proud about. It is no doubt slow and the reasons are many and varied. I have tried to jot down some reasons why people avoid financial planning. Please add if you thinkRead More
Financial Planning
How to Spend Less Money on Shopping
The biggest challenge which I personally have faced while doing my financial planning is cutting down on expenses. And mainly expenses which are related to shopping. Like a good school boy, I have made grand plans to keep expenses at tab and often wanted to cut down on spending on items that are way offRead More
7 important personal financial milestones you need to be aware of before you turn 30 [infographic]
Have you even been in a situation where time is running out on you and you are desperate to finish off some work ? If yes, you don’t want to be in the same situation when you are nearing 30 years of age and realise that there are some financial goals or tasks you shouldRead More
Certified Financial Planner in India – a quick guide
Here is a small primer on the certified financial planner in India tag or CFPCM tag as it is commonly referred to and why it is important and how you can find one in your city. The need of financial planning is a very vast one and many investors still do not know the difference betweenRead More
Biggest Financial Planning Priorities ?
So what is your biggest financial priorities in your overall financial planning ? Even before we answer that, biggest could mean different for different people. For some, the biggest financial goals could be those that are most significant for you and your family and which are of highest priority for you. For others it couldRead More
6 Mindless Money Wasters to Avoid
We slog 5-6 days a week so that our hard earned money is made to good use via long term investing and sensible financial planning. However, money wasters are something which all of us do without even realizing it. Small drops of water make an ocean, similarly, if this wastage of money were to beRead More