2013 is here and it is going to be happy depending on how you handle your finances among a host of other things like family, work, health etc etc. To be true to everyone, anything you do this year is in no way different from any other year but there are a few things youRead More
Financial Planning
Download Free Ebook on Introduction to Financial Planning
So here my first ebook titled Introduction to Financial Planning. I made this for those who want to be initiated into financial planning and who either know nothing about the subject or know about it in bits and pieces. This ebook should at least get you started and get you interested on the subject. SpreadRead More
Two personal finance lessons from Psy’s ‘Gangnam Style’ !
I must admit. I must have watched Psy’s ‘Gangnam Style’ video over 50 times. Also, I am unashamed to say that I must have listened to the song around 100 times. After having satiated my wanting need to hear and see the pot belly dude jumping up and down, I hopped over to the InternetRead More
Tell tale signs that you are doing procrastination investing
Are you an investor who does procrastination investing ? Do you procrastinate often ? For the uninitiated the word procrastinate means to delay or defer an action that you should be doing today. In the investing world, procrastination would imply that you needlessly have pushed out things to the future because you have no senseRead More
Assess your personal finance quotient [quiz]
So here is a small quiz that will test your personal finance gyaan. The fact that you are on this blog means that you want to read about financial planning and personal finance in general. You must have rummaged through other websites and magazines to hone your knowledge. So why not put it to testRead More
How to choose your financial planner ? [infographic]
We did an article earlier which talked about questions to ask your financial planner. I hope you folks have read it, if not, now is the time to go and check what it was all about. In this article today, I have tried to capture the same things in an infographic. I have run throughRead More