The magic of power of compounding has been explained innumerable times by personal finance experts all over the world. Albert Einstein has very famously quoted the below on this concept – “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it … he who doesn’t … pays it.” And itRead More
Financial Planning
How to invest your money wisely [infographic]
Are you a new beginner to investing and wanting to understand how to invest your money wisely in India or anywhere in the world ? Or is it that you have put your neck deep into the underbelly of the stock markets, have burned your fingers and are looking to start afresh ? Whatever beRead More
What to consider before you invest ?
Do you know what to consider before you invest your hard earned money ? Before we get there, my observation is that we Indians are generally superb savers and sloppy investors. Loosely translated, that means that each month we save money (good budgeting, eh ?) out of our monthly salaries that we bring home. ButRead More
Your 10 personal finance commandments for 2013
2013 is here and it is going to be happy depending on how you handle your finances among a host of other things like family, work, health etc etc. To be true to everyone, anything you do this year is in no way different from any other year but there are a few things youRead More
Download Free Ebook on Introduction to Financial Planning
So here my first ebook titled Introduction to Financial Planning. I made this for those who want to be initiated into financial planning and who either know nothing about the subject or know about it in bits and pieces. This ebook should at least get you started and get you interested on the subject. SpreadRead More
Two personal finance lessons from Psy’s ‘Gangnam Style’ !
I must admit. I must have watched Psy’s ‘Gangnam Style’ video over 50 times. Also, I am unashamed to say that I must have listened to the song around 100 times. After having satiated my wanting need to hear and see the pot belly dude jumping up and down, I hopped over to the InternetRead More