Why plan when none of my investment has gone wrong until today? By God grace, none of my work has stopped so why pay for financial planning? We as Financial Planners also hear similar tunes when we speak about Financial Planning concept. And my inference is that people do not appreciate any kind of PLANNINGRead More
Financial Planning
Learning SIP Top Up or SIP Booster – Infographic
The systematic investment plan (SIP) is a tool that helps you build a portfolio in mutual funds through regular contributions. This is a tried and tested route for accumulating large sums by contributing small capital doses. But a same amount of SIP cannot work especially when needs, inflation, and income all are rising for anRead More
What Is Risk Profiling
Whenever you approach a good financial planner, he recommends you to undergo a Risk Profile Test. We too do it and consider it a must to arrive at Asset Allocation for an investor. But is it only to know the asset allocation for an investor or Risk Profiling can help know a bit more? Yes,Read More
Asset Allocation By Age
The proportion of your money that you invest in categories such as stocks, equity mutual funds debt, and cash is your asset allocation, and you’ll often run across different formulas for asset allocation by age. After all, a 25-year-old should invest a little differently than a 70-year-old. One rule of thumb that some people followRead More
What is the Right SIP Amount? Infographic on How to Manage SIP Amount
We all agree that SIP helps us accumulate large amounts in a disciplined way and we get the benefit of investing in a volatile asset. But often we wonder what is a right SIP amount? How do we know that the monthly amount of SIP is adequate? the question. Calculating the Right SIP Amount always bothersRead More
Best Investment in Long Term – Equity Investment
The recent returns from MFs and equity are mouth watering. Pundits have started digging history to show that its danger zone ging ahead. And this gives rise to question – Is Equity – Your best investment long term? If yes how to invest more and make money? Or simply a long-term investment in mutual fundsRead More