On 6th October another landmark circular has been issued by SEBI, which will Rationalize & Categorize the mutual fund schemes in India. After around 25 serious years (Post UTI only phases) of MF industry, SEBI finally nailed it. Here is how your MF Schemes are going to change now. Why Rationalization? You tell me isRead More
Financial Planning
10 Constants 10 Heads – I Will Never Sacrifice
Hope you celebrating? Festival mood has set in…. Really it’s time to celebrate… year long we continue to chase our dreams, passions, goals, deals & numbers. But the festival is the time when you should and will chase your loving ones, friends, and people you care actually in life. So it’s time to pause whatRead More
5 Doors That You Close On Good Advice
Last week I was invited to speak at a meeting consisting of working bankers. Now all banks sell Mutual Funds & insurance so they have basic training of products. But after talking to them for around 45 minutes, I could guess they were not interested. For them, Good Advice – means product specific talk. TheyRead More
Robo Advisor Vs Individual Advisor
If an individual advisor or firm writes on Robo Advisor vs Individual Advisor you will feel he is biased. Well… yes, we are individual advisors & financial planners, but what I am going to tell today is all based on my personal experience. Yes, I will be fair or try to be fair and willRead More
Relationship Status Changes & Impact Part-2
Last week I wrote how Marriage & Divorce can impact financial circumstances. Well, yesterday was Friendship Day and now many relationships start with this relationship. A commitment comes afterward or a better way of saying will be – Now we believe in “Time-Tested Relationships”. Let’s try to go into the finance side. What is theRead More
Relationship Status Change & Its Impact – Part 1
The times are changing for good and now we have come from the orthodox route of having relationships and family. The generation now is freer to be and choose any kind of relationships they want to be in. The relationships that you are in or when you change it or circumstances change your relationship itRead More