If an individual advisor or firm writes on Robo Advisor vs Individual Advisor you will feel he is biased. Well… yes, we are individual advisors & financial planners, but what I am going to tell today is all based on my personal experience. Yes, I will be fair or try to be fair and willRead More
Financial Planning
Relationship Status Changes & Impact Part-2
Last week I wrote how Marriage & Divorce can impact financial circumstances. Well, yesterday was Friendship Day and now many relationships start with this relationship. A commitment comes afterward or a better way of saying will be – Now we believe in “Time-Tested Relationships”. Let’s try to go into the finance side. What is theRead More
Relationship Status Change & Its Impact – Part 1
The times are changing for good and now we have come from the orthodox route of having relationships and family. The generation now is freer to be and choose any kind of relationships they want to be in. The relationships that you are in or when you change it or circumstances change your relationship itRead More
10 More Reasons Why People Still Say No to Financial Planning
Why plan when none of my investment has gone wrong until today? By God grace, none of my work has stopped so why pay for financial planning? We as Financial Planners also hear similar tunes when we speak about Financial Planning concept. And my inference is that people do not appreciate any kind of PLANNINGRead More
Learning SIP Top Up or SIP Booster – Infographic
The systematic investment plan (SIP) is a tool that helps you build a portfolio in mutual funds through regular contributions. This is a tried and tested route for accumulating large sums by contributing small capital doses. But a same amount of SIP cannot work especially when needs, inflation, and income all are rising for anRead More
What Is Risk Profiling
Whenever you approach a good financial planner, he recommends you to undergo a Risk Profile Test. We too do it and consider it a must to arrive at Asset Allocation for an investor. But is it only to know the asset allocation for an investor or Risk Profiling can help know a bit more? Yes,Read More