The economy is also important as it is a summation of entire country’s well being. Emotions are linked to the economy as economic news builds people’s mood. Demonetization is one such economic event which has drastically changed everyone’s way of thinking. Social media is full of reactions. The common man is tweeting, commenting & making videos express what they feel.Read More
Demonetization Impact PART 1: Impact on Sectors
I think the note exchange frenzy has halted or lessen a bit and we can see a long picture now. I purposely delayed my analysis, as I believed this was a huge event and in a war, the casualties and gains can only be ascertained, when the fight stops during evening hours and dust settles. A lot of my friends asked why am I not writing on Demonetization? My response is simple – I am not in News business to create headlines. I believe in spreading awareness.Read More
What is P2P Lending in India?
In P2P lending, the flow of funds is from lender to borrower and goes through a mediator in between, which normally is an online/Internet Company. So this online company matches the lender and borrower. In India, there are about 30 companies operating in P2P lending.Read More
What NOT TO DO during Demonetization Phase
Demonetization is happening… and it’s for real. However confusing it is as the government is changing norms daily for note change. Sometimes its Rs 4K than 4.5K than changed to 2K and god knows what it will be tomorrow. Demonetization is a huge project involving 2.5 Lakhs bank branches, 3 lakhs ATMs, 1.55 Lakhs, 55Read More
Reserve Bank Of India (RBI) launch Sachet – All Grievance Mechanisms Under One Roof
You may call it a parting gift from Dr. Raghuram G Rajan, RBI just launched a very informative website- Sachet. The home page is This is a Hindi word- Sachet means “ to caution” “ to inform”- A proactive kind of word. If you ask me, this is what we as an investor andRead More
Simplifying the Rule of 72
I am sure you know the thumb rule of 72. We all use it to know when we can double the money or what rate of returns we ought to earn to double our money. But do you know why 72 is used and not other numbers like 71 or 72? Well, it dependsRead More