Credit card dues are an expensive proposition. So, here are some tips on using your credit card wisely, because the lure of buy today and pay later gets the better of most of the investors very easily. Credit card liabilities are the worst form of loans available in the market today because of their highRead More
Union Budget 2010-2011 income tax highlights
Budget 2011 has come and gone. Amidst rising interest rates, spiraling inflation and a basket full of scams, the government was expected to deliver Budget 2011 to make its mark with a bang. Did it ? Depends on who you are talking to. Let’s take a sneak look at what the Finance Minister Pranab MukherjeeRead More
How many loans can I have ?
Acquiring your favorite assets through a loan is probably the one of the most easiest way to fulfill your materialistic needs and wants. However, it is also one of the most easiest ways to become a pauper as well. If you don’t keep an eye on how many loans you accumulate, it will be aRead More
What is KYC? Know Your Customer (KYC) Guidelines
What is KYC is a very important question if you are investing or using financial services. Know Your Customer or KYC requirements and guidelines were effective January 1st 2010 for all mutual fund investors in India, irrespective of how much amount you invest in them. If you don’t know What is KYC, here is a smallRead More
How Many Credit Cards Should I Have ?
What is your status symbol ? Is it a car that everyone envy’s or the latest phone being advertised on television ? Or is it the number of credit cards you have ? You read that right, there are folks out these who think the more number of credit cards they have, the more inRead More
How Much Home Loan Can I Get ?
An oft asked question – how much home loan can I get on my salary ! Astute financial planning is about having the right distribution of your salary between investments, expenses and loans. As far as loans are concerned, they can easily find their way into an investor’s portfolio in the form of car loans, personalRead More